Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Strategic Management and Information Systems Coursework
Strategic Management and Information Systems - Coursework Example The strategic position of an organization must be clearly understood to ensure that strategic choices for future and strategy management issues are put into action. As a result, the internal and external environment of the organization are analysed to develop strategies necessary for resource allocation. Successful allocation of resources enables the organization attain a competitive advantage towards goal achievement (Paul, 2006). The Adizes PAEI Model of management is a four faced model with short-term orientation, long-term orientation, internal and external orientation. The key players in this model are; the Producer, Administrator, Entrepreneur, and Integrator (PAEI). Their roles in the four orientations produce results, procedure systems, creativity continuity, and motivation co-operation. The producer is concerned about the external and short-term orientation programs for the organization. The focus is result oriented in relation to the plans and management roles of the organization. The implementation of the strategic plan must comply with the market perspective of the organization. The entrepreneur element integrates external and long-term orientation with a focus on creativity and continuity in the market. Through this element, strategic management enables exploration of new market opportunities to enable the organization attain competitive edge advantages. The roles of strategic manager are not very different from those of other managers but are obliged to operate within the tight confined market. The thinking of strategic managers is abstract, affecting their roles within the organisation confined to three decision levels; strategic, tactical and operational roles. These roles affect and are influenced by external and internal environmental factors. This level offers an organization a competitive riding advantage over others. This could mean that an organization would
Monday, October 28, 2019
Salem society Essay Example for Free
Salem society Essay Salem, a small town in Massachusetts consisted of puritans whose lives were strongly based around religion. They were all afraid of being accused of heresy and were suspicious of other religious sects. Their religious fanaticism ruined innocent lives. The story is set in 1692 and starts with all the young girls in the town creeping into the forest one night and dancing and casting spells. Dancing was related to the Devil and therefore was designated a crime. Two of the youngest girls were taken ill the next day. They were Betty, the reverend Parris daughter as described in the introduction i. e. Betty Parris, aged ten, is lying on the bed, inert. , and Ruth, Mrs Putnams only child, described by Parris when he says: Your Ruth sick? The girls were spotted dancing and were declared witches. To clear their names and protect their familys reputation which was very important, the girls accused innocent women in the village, of compacting with the Devil and these accusations were believed. All the villagers were expected to conform to a strict code of belief. They were expected to attend Church every Sunday and if they didnt it was considered a crime against God. For example, Hale says to John Proctor: In the book of record that Mr Parris keeps, I note that you are rarely in the Church on Sabbath Day. This illustrates that records of Church attendance were kept and scrutinised. The villagers were also expected to know the Ten Commandments from memory. Hale asks Elizabeth Proctor: Do you know your Commandments, Elizabeth? People believed in these laws so strongly that they were very willing to believe the girls stories which provides some insight into the society of Salem. People were not allowed to have different beliefs. The villagers belief in the Devil was as strong as it was in God. Parris talked about the Devil and sins in Church far more frequently than he spoke about God. Proctor says to Parris: There are many others who stay away from Church these days because you hardly ever mention God anymore. But John Proctor did not like Parris; his opinion of Parris was low so this statement may not be completely true and biased. Parris was supposed to be a leader in the town but someone left a dagger stuck in his door Tonight, when I open my door to leave my housea dagger clattered to the ground There is danger for me. People were getting misled so much that he was not always believed.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Vulnerability in the Works of John Donne :: Biography Biographies Essays
Free Essay on John Donne - A Journey Through Vulnerability John Donne uses poetry to explore his own identity, express his feelings, and most of all, he uses it to deal with the personal experiences occurring in his life. Donne's poetry is a confrontation or struggle to find a place in this world, or rather, a role to play in a society from which he often finds himself detached or withdrawn. This essay will discuss Donne's states of mind, his views on love, women, religion, his relationship with God; and finally how the use of poetic form plays a part in his exploration for an identity and salvation. The speaker in Donne's poetry is a theatrical character, constantly in different situations, and using different roles to suit the action. He can take on the role of the womanizer, as in "The Indifferent," or the faithful lover from "Lover's Infiniteness," but the speaker in each of these poems is always John Donne himself. Each poem contains a strong sense of Donne's own self-interest. According to Professor J. Crofts, Donne: Throughout his life... was a man self-haunted, unable to escape from his own drama, unable to find any window that would not give him back the image of himself. Even the mistress of his most passionate love-verses, who must (one supposes) have been a real person, remains for him a mere abstraction of sex: a thing given. He does not see her --does not apparently want to see her; for it is not of her that he writes, but of his relation to her; not of love, but of himself loving. In "Elegy XIX [To His Mistress Going to Bed]," we are confronted with one of Donne's personalities. The poem begins abruptly: Come, Madam, come! All rest my powers defy;/ Until I labour, I in l abour lie. The reader is immediately thrust into the middle of a private scene in which Donne attempts to convince his lover to undress and come to bed. There is only one speaker in this poem, Donne, we do not hear the voice or a description of the feelings of another person, but she is always present. If Samuel Johnson was correct when he made the statement that "the metaphysical poets were men of learning, and to show their learning was their whole endeavour.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
A Welcome Address
Mr. Chairman, His Royal Highnesses, Ndi Nze an Ozo, Members of Igbo Council of Chiefs and Traditional Rulers, Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen. Good evening. Eight years ago, a child was born in Dallas/Fortworth metroplex with just only seven members under the leadership of Mr. Chinedum Eguzouwa our first executive president. Today, that child has grown to the strength of 60 members and has the potential to grow more as the years go by. That child is UMUNNA BU IKE SOCIAL CLUB OF NIGERIA DALLAS/FORTWORTH. It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to this great occasion. I understand that there are many engagements in and around the city but you chose to be with us on this our 3rd induction party to witness why we are called UMUNNA BU IKE as young and dynamic club in Dallas. Tonight, we will induct ten families who were the lucky ones among many that applied. For those that were not admitted at the time of their interview, our reluctance in admitting you then did not mean that you were not qualified rather, it was based on the premises that our club does not engage on mass admission. Therefore, we encourage you to continue to reapply and on time so as to be among the very first ones to be interviewed. It is worth mentioning that to be considered for admission, you must be married and remain married because our club is built strongly on family values. To our new inductees, I welcome all of you to this great club. You will see for yourselves the difference between Umunna Bu Ike and any other club that may belong. You have made the best choice our your life in term of choosing a social club to belong. We will support and encourage you in our Umunna Bu Ike spirit. We encourage you to be steadfast in your marriage and uphold your family values that unites our club. You will be inducted tonight and we asked all your supporters to shower you with their love by spraying dollars on you as they merry with all of us tonight.. Our club is known to be pace setters in Dallas though too young. We have embarked on two Caribbean cruise, our last year picnic was second to none in comparison to any other club in Dallas, Our mother's event made history with our wives being picked up from their homes with limousine to the party site. This year, we are cruising to the eastern Caribbean to welcome our new inductees. Last year, under the chairmanship of Attorney Austin Uke, our youth wing is waxing so and strong some the highlights you will witness tonight. The club has also suffered some setbacks like many of the clubs in the city. Just three months ago, our club lost one of our pillars, a giant, man among men, a complete gentleman, a businessman, and a philanthropist in the person of late High Chief David Omenukor who slept with the lord on February 6, 2013. We ask that you continued to remember his family in your daily prayers and may I request your indulgence to ask for a moment of silence on his behalf. May we rise please. â€Å"May his soul rest in perfect peace†. Tonight, the chairman has assured me that all will be well and wants everyone to relax and watch the events as they unfold. We are prepared to entertain you with much to eat and drink, DJ Paulo is ready to with latest release to keep you on the dancing floor till dawn. Please drink moderately, and as you go home this morning, may Almighty God guide you safely. Thank you and remain blessed.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Historical Process of Individuals
CARIBBEAN STUDIES TOPIC: THE IMPACT OF HISTORICAL PROCESSES REVIEW QUESTIONS 1. Describe TWO responses of Caribbean people oppression. (4 marks – 2005) 2. (a) Explain briefly the significance of â€Å"adult suffrage†. (2 marks – 2006) (b)Suggest TWO reasons why support for adult suffrage grew in Caribbean societies in the early 20th century. (4 marks – 2006) 3. (a) Name TWO regional territories to which large numbers of Caribbean people migrated between 1838 and 1920. (2 marks – 2007) (b)Give TWO reasons for such migration. (4 marks – 2007) 4. (a) Explain what is meant by indentureship in the context of the Caribbean experience. 2 marks – 2004) (b)State TWO ways in which indentureship differed from slavery in the Caribbean. (4 marks – 2004) 5. Describe THREE ways in which enslavement of people in the Caribbean contributed to the erasure of their cultural practices. (6 marks – 2003) 6. (a) Explain what is meant by the term ‘colonial education’. (2 marks – 2008) (b) Name TWO institutions that facilitated colonial education in the Caribbean. (2 marks – 2008) 7. (a) Name TWO groups of indentured labourers who were brought to the Caribbean after emancipation in 1838. 2 marks – 2009) (b) Give TWO reasons why EACH group of indentured labourers were brought to the Caribbean. (4 marks – 2009) 8. Explain what is meant by term ‘resistance’. (2 marks – 2010) 9. Describe TWO ways in which the Haitian Revolution impacted Caribbean society and culture. (4 marks – 2010) ESSAY QUESTIONS: CHOOSE ONE 1. Using examples from the Caribbean, explain how Caribbean people throughout history have responded to oppression. (2008) OR 2. Describe THREE ways in which education facilitated the colonial agenda in the Caribbean. (2010)
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Falling in Love with Fall Essay Essay Example
Falling in Love with Fall Essay Essay Example Falling in Love with Fall Essay Essay Falling in Love with Fall Essay Essay A cool. chip zephyr with merely a touch of heat coppices my face. The pearl-grey sky and sound of foliages writhing and swirling – I watch as they dance heedlessly through the air. My favourite season is autumn because of the many alterations and feelings of gratitude it brings. the celebrations. and manner. One of the chief grounds I enjoy fall is because of the many celebrations and activities. Not merely is the conditions ice chest. particularly in Texas. for out-of-door merriment but people’s liquors seem brighter. Every twelvemonth there are so many things to make. festivals and carnivals to picking Cucurbita pepos and haunted houses. For me. it’s the sound of childs scranching through the foliages with laughter make fulling the air ; their exhilaration is contagious and reminiscent of my childhood. The competitory feeling of who can acquire the most candy and the expectancy of scuffling through it all and scarfing down the best pieces. Because autumn allows me to socialise with loved 1s and new friends likewise. it is my favourite season. : Another ground I love the fall are the feelings of alteration and gratitude. It might look like a New Years parlance. but for me fall is the most perfect clip to tag new beginnings and reflect on the twelvemonth that’s gone by. Possibly it’s the passage the environment makes. the colourss of the foliages and the warm air turning cool. It’s elating. As I crack unfastened my sleeping room window and curve up on my bed draping a cashmere throw over my legs. the odor of the leather from my diary mixes with the cool air and olfactory property of a freshly opened bottle of vino. I sit and write about the twelvemonth behind me. the memories and ideas the thoughts of my hereafter. A nice opposite number to basking clip with loved 1s. it’s a perfect atmosphere to bask clip entirely ; this is why it is my favourite season. I’ve saved the best for last. another great ground to love autumn – manner. Gone are the yearss of strappy tops and sandals. autumn bring in a fresh cosy manner. It’s a new alibi for shopping! Every twelvemonth. come mid-September I make my manner to the promenade. With a delightful Cucurbita pepo spice latte in manus I fill my weaponries with an armory of vesture and accoutrements for autumn. Tall boots and heeled bootees are foremost on my list so its fluxing cardigans. poncho and dual breasted jackets. The warm tones of purple and gold fill my bags and I can’t delay to demo off my new aggregations at the many assemblages and celebrations fall will convey. It is particularly because of this. that fall is my favourite season. With so many grounds to love autumn. the best are those that prosecute your bosom. It’s charming that even with the cool air ; fall can do a individual feel warm. New beginnings at school and the assemblage of loved 1s. the odor of firing hearths hitting the cold air. observation as the trees shed their foliages. You can’t assist but to experience a unagitated sense of hope this clip of twelvemonth.
Monday, October 21, 2019
The Miracle Worker essays
The Miracle Worker essays This story is about a deaf, blind, and mute girl. Her name is Helen Keller. Helen who has been unable to speak, hear or see since childhood, is increasingly difficult to educate until her parents find Annie Sullivan. Although she is new to teaching, it is through Annie's strong will and unshakable faith that Helen discovers how to survive... and thrive in the world through the eyes and ears others. As the story opens we see that Helen is quite a handful to take care of. Her parents are at their ropes end bout what to do with her. After discussing it for awhile, they decide that it would be best if they called in a teacher to live with them, and help Helen. The teacher that comes into their home is Annie Sullivan. She hasn't ever taught before, but agrees to try. When she meets Helen she sees that helen is quite smart, just spoiled. Helen is used to getting everything she wants, when she wants it and its obvious that Annie won't stand for it. Annie's first attempts to teach Helen dosen't go as she had planned. Annie uses sign language to speak to Helen She lets Helen feel each letter as she spells, Helen learns how to sign back, but she can't put two and two together. In other words, if Annie if Annie lets Helen taste an apple, Helen might spell out cake. Annie's biggest problem is the fact that she dosen't have complete control of Helen. The Kellers keep interferring with Annie's work. So, annie asks the Kellers is she can use the garden house, and live with Helen until she understands what Annie is trying to teach her. Finally, Annie gets the Kellers to allow her to take Helen and live in the garden house. Only for two weeks though. So Annie and Helen move into the garden house. Annie teaches Helen alot in two weeks.Although Annie feels that she needs more time, because Helen still dosen't understand that things have a name. Annie asks the kellers for more time, but they refuse. So Helen goes back ...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
The ABCs of School Visits with an Independent Bookstore
The ABCs of School Visits with an Independent Bookstore If you write for children or young adults, you probably already know that school visits can be an excellent way to supplement your income, get to know your audience, and introduce new readers to your books. But did you know that organizing school visits in partnership with your local independent bookstore can make the experience even easier and more productive? Here are four reasons to consider partnering with your local indie. 1. Especially if youve moved recently or are newly published, you might not have personal connections with the schools and educators in your community. Local bookstores often have existing partnerships with schools, and you can benefit from those connections when you work with a bookstore on organizing your visit. Bookstores can introduce you to teachers, librarians, and parent leaders, and theyre likely to know which schools or even classes might be the best fit for you and your books. This is particularly helpful if you live in an urban area with a lot of different schools near 2. If youre visiting a school, youll want to give students and teachers a way to buy your books, but the purchasing process can be complicated. When youre working in partnership with a bookstore, the store will likely handle a lot of the legwork for you, including coordinating order forms, getting books from the publisher and transporting them to the school, and processing payment. In many cases they will also promote your books to the school and do their best to make sure sales are high. Different stores have different policies, but most will be able to make the sales process much easier for you. This applies even if your books are self-published; many stores are still willing to coordinate sales of self-published books in exchange for a share of the revenue. 3. Schools are chaotic places with a lot of moving parts, and sometimes handling logistics can be as challenging as presenting to students. Many bookstores will send a representative to the school on the day of your visit to help out with all the little details, from troubleshooting tech to assisting you with signing and personalizing books. This leaves you free to focus on your biggest fans- the kids! 4. Partnering with a bookstore on school visits is also a great way to build a relationship with the store itself, which might lead to in-store events in the future. As an added bonus, some school events will include more than one childrens author, which means you might get to know some wonderful new colleagues in the process. Lots of independent bookstores around the country have school visit programs, and even those that dont might be glad to develop one in partnership with you. If youre interested in visiting schools through a bookstore, its always a good idea to send the store an introduction about you, your books, and what your presentation can offer a school. Know that some stores have limited resources and might not be able to work with you right away, but chances are theyll still be happy to keep your contact info on hand. To find a store near you, check out Author
Saturday, October 19, 2019
New Drug Development Process at Pfizer Research Paper
New Drug Development Process at Pfizer - Research Paper Example In the entire process, collaborations across various departments; cross-functional teams and latest technical and scientific skills are required to turn discoveries into marketable drugs. Sales and marketing at Pfizer Pfizer are dedicated to ethical sales and marketing practices because of its corporate social responsibility towards people. As such, it provides training to its sales force on knowledge regarding diseases, products and related ethical issues. It strives to comply with the rules of the pharmaceutical industry in terms of sales figures, advertising, communication true facts and getting its sales force equipped on latest research reports and competitor arrivals. It also tries to establish and sustain long-term relationships with healthcare professionals across the globe on the dimensions of transparency, primacy, and responsibility (Pfizer 2009). This interaction provides them with valuable information and data which helps them in their research and development process. I n the third stage, it is tested on humans only after getting assured that it will be safe for humans and the clinical trial involves the use of properly planned data design, approval from Ethics and regulatory committees and proper signs of the marketable position of the developed drug. In the entire process, collaborations across various departments; cross-functional teams and the latest technical and scientific skills are required to turn discoveries into marketable drugs.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Future trends in electronic commerce Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Future trends in electronic commerce - Essay Example The Internet revolution causes with the latest growth figure among the some 160 million users, while others, remind marketers that this constitutes only a tiny minority of a few per cents of the world population. Expanding from this point, impact will be sought in the evolution of the applications used. Thus a sector where the number of firms which use a combination of Internet, intranet, extranet and telework is 'important' will thus display a higher impact of the Internet (Wagner 2007). Moving further ahead, one will consider which functions or activities the Internet is used for and thus see a greater impact of the Internet when home, social and productive functions are carried out through the Internet (Regan, 2007). In a year, there will be changes in the resources, behavior, organization, achievements and skills in different sectors. More and more companies will use e-commerce as the main tool of marketing communication and interaction. On the other hand, and more importantly, it appears that the use of e-commerce tools and techniques, or of information in general, is not likely to have any effect unless the appropriate combination of attributes and external factors exist. In a year, companies will use e-mobile service and mobile retailing more often. ... The further back in this chain companies and customers can go, the earlier they will be able to have an impact on sales. "Catalogs and stores can greatly buoy the online company to weather the storms that are inherent in technology and technology-based marketing, as a simple change in the technology environment can decimate the business model of an online company based solely on online marketing" ("Why one web merchant", 2006). In five years, there will be a great shift in customer service and information delivery systems. Critics state that "Online commerce market to grow to $300 billion over the next four years. But NOW is when consumers are forming their online shopping habits and developing buying loyalties" ("Understanding the Consumers", 2007). This is true of any new product or service, but, so far as the Internet is concerned, such fears are compounded because consumers will be purchasing goods via a system that they do not fully understand. In fact, consumers are already worried about the security aspects of the Internet. The first and most important lesson that has to be learnt when considering trading on the Internet is that sales that depend on geography will no longer work. Supermarkets, for example, with their departments that examine in great detail the demographics of an area before a new store site is developed, have no advantage in cyberspace. Any site can be accessed from anywhere in the world (Regan, 2007). Equally, any site can also be ignored from anywhere in the world. There is, however, an even bigger issue with marketing on the Internet. Not only is it difficult to select and purchase a prime site, in a good demographic area away from your competitors, that virtually guarantees you sales, but it is also increasingly difficult to
DNA In The Criminal Justice Field Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
DNA In The Criminal Justice Field - Essay Example The benefits of the stated, as well as the challenges that may confront its implementation, shall be explored herein. Violent crime is increasing and become more widespread. This statement is supported by statistics which indicate that there are an average 25 murders in the United States every single day, in addition to over 1,000 acts of violence, including rape ("World Murder Statistics"). Most of the crimes are solved and the criminals get their legal punishment but, in numerous other cases, the wrong person is imprisoned or the crime remains unsolved. Over and above, catching just one criminal and solving just one case involves hours of police work and costly investigations. In other words, the current method of solving crimes is costly and its results are not guaranteed. It is due to this that the US government should try to improve and enhance its crime fighting ability. As the United Kingdom as already in the process of doing, according to the Lancet science writer, Adrian Linacre, the United States should establish a criminal DNA database. This database which would, at first include DNA sam ples from all people guilty of any type of crime or suspected in a crime, would act as a reference for solving crime in an efficient and certain manner. With such a database, DNA collected from a crime scene can be matched up against DNA already in the databank and DNA collected from the new crime suspects (Linacre). On the one hand, this will help solve crimes much faster and, on the other hand, will protect the innocent from wrongly being accused and imprisoned. The United States, however, does not have such a databank at the present moment. According to the USA Today article, "DNA Database Could Help Solve Crimes," this undermines the ability of US police forces to solve crimes. As written in the article, "The United States is one of only a small number of countries that limit the crime fighting potential of their DNA databases by failing to include suspects and/or arrestees" ("DNA Database"). The reason is that the United States fears that such a database would be an invasion of privacy on the one hand, and that the widespread use of DNA in crime solving would be abused, on the other. While establishing a DNA databank and exploiting DNA science in fighting crime could be interpreted as a violation of privacy, can be abused, and may cost millions of dollars in taxpayers' money, the fact is that a DNA databank and the widespread use of DNA evidence in police work are invaluable in fighting crime; separating the guilty from the innocent, ensuring that criminals are caught and protecting society. Although the use of DNA as a crime fighting and solving method appears quite complicated, it actually is not and can be defined as a more accurate and advanced type of fingerprinting. As defined by Adrian Linacre, a human biologist, DNA refers to the material inside each and every human cell nucleus and which contains an individual's genetic print. That genetic print, or map, is unique to the individual, with the implication being that it functions as a definitive identifier. The importance of DNA, as a
Thursday, October 17, 2019
The Aubrey-Maturin Series of Novels by Patrick O'Brian Article
The Aubrey-Maturin Series of Novels by Patrick O'Brian - Article Example The Aubrey-Maturin novels depict historical events took place during Napoleonic wars at the beginning of the 19th century. O'Brian does not follow a strict chronological order depicting events from 1801-1813, and 1813-1814. The uniqueness is that O'Brian vividly portrays cultural and religious settings and values of the epoch, its historical significance and social traditions. Two main characters, Jack Aubrey and Stephen Maturin may be compared in matters of general cultural background, including politics and religion, as well as in three key elements of natural philosophy: the anatomical emphasis on pre-adapted functional design, the treatment of extinction, and the belief in fixity rather than transformation. All of these topics help define Maturin's patterns of thinking as a naturalist and shed light on subtly significant moments within the novels. Maturin was educated among the philosophes of the French Enlightenment, but both men, Aubrey and Maturin, also maintained a political and religious conservatism that some people found incongruous (King, 2001). The Aubrey-Maturin novels carry out the paradoxical process of instruction found in the most interesting historical fiction: at the same time they make readers conversant with ideas, tropes, and habits of an earlier world, they also perform the noble literary work of defamiliarization. In creating a compelling vision of natural philosophy, O'Brian makes room for a lost paradigm that seems oddly fresh, for all its scientific antiquity. He revives a naturalist's dream of preternatural design that has become increasingly difficult to imagine. O'Brian portrays that Maturin and Aubrey came to detest what grew from the Revolution and turned away from its democratic principles (King, 2001). In The Wine-Dark Sea, when Maturin meets up with a French utopian named Dutourd, he initially tempers his criticism with some sympathy (Teachout, 2003). Dutourd seems to be "a good benevolent man" led astray by that "mumping villain Rousseau and later by his passionate belief in his own system, based it was true on a hatred of poverty, war and injustice, but also on the assumption that men were naturally and equally good, needing only a firm, friendly hand to set them on the right path, the path to the realization of their full potentialities. This, of course, entailed the abolition of the present order, which had so perverted them, and of the established churches" (O'Brian 2004, p. 32). O'brian's assessment reveals his lingering attraction to revolutionary promises, but, he values established religious and social order above the systems of ideologues. Nor does he believe in the natural equality of humans (King, 2001). As Adrian Desmond has shown, French and British radicals of the period saw a linkage between the atomistic materialism of biology; in which all forms of life developed from a common origin, and revolutionary political theories based on natural equality. Maturin reject both the natural and political philosophy of democratic atomism (Teachout, 2003). When asked by Dutourd what he thinks of democracy, Maturin replies that "he did not think the policy that put Socrates to death and that left Athens prostrate was the highest expression of human wisdom," and he cites Aristotle's "definition of democracy as mob-rule, the depraved version of a commonwealth" (O'Brian 2004, p.
Pope John Paul II, A man for others Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Pope John Paul II, A man for others - Essay Example In the later part of his pontificate, he spoke against war, communism, dictatorship, materialism, abortion, contraception, relativism and unrestrained capitalism. John Paul II was Pope during a period in which the Catholic Church's influence declined in developed countries but expanded in the Third World countries. During his reign, the pope traveled extensively, visiting over 100 countries, more than any of his predecessors. He remains one of the most-traveled world leaders in history. He was fluent in numerous languages. He canonized a great number of people. In 1992, he was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. On April 2, 2005 at 9:37 p.m. local time, Pope John Paul II died in the Papal Apartments. Millions of people came to Rome to pay their respects for his funeral. This paper researches how he was a man for others and how he developed himself through his childhood and adulthood days. Childhood days: St.John Paul II was born as Karol Jozef Wojtyla in Wadowice, a town of 8,000 Catholics and 2,000 Jews 35 miles southwest of Krakow in 1920, the second son of Karol Wojtyla Sr., a retired army officer and tailor, and Emilia Kaczorowska Wojtyla, a schoolteacher of Lithuanian descent. The Wojtylas were strict Catholics, but did not share the anti-Semitic views of many Poles..His playmate Kluger had once remarked about the pope as "The people in the Vatican do not know Jews, and previous popes did not know Jews but this pope is a friend of the Jewish people because he knows Jewish people." In fact, Wojtyla became the first pope to visit a synagogue and the first to visit the memorial at Auschwitz to victims of the Holocaust. In ending the Catholic-Jewish estrangement, he called Jews "our elder brothers." John Paul II was very athletic in his youth days: he played soccer as a goal keeper, took daring swims in the flooded Skawa River and enjoyed skiing, hiking, mountain climbing and kayaking. He was also an excellent student. Adversities: His infant sister died before he was born. In 1929 his mother died of heart and kidney problems. When he was 12, his 26 year old brother died of scarlet fever. He himself had two near-misses with mortality in his youth. He was hit once by a streetcar and again by a truck in 1944 while he was a college student. He had been beset by physical difficulties including a dislocated shoulder, a broken thigh that led to femur-replacement surgery, the removal of a precancerous tumor from his colon Passions and occupations: Wojtyla's passions in those early years were poetry, religion and the theater. After graduating from secondary school in 1938, he and his father moved to Krakow where he enrolled at Jagiellonian University to study literature and philosophy. He also joined an experimental theater group and participated in poetry readings and literary discussion groups. He was an intense and gifted actor, and a fine singer. After the Germans invaded Poland, he escaped deportation and imprisonment in late 1940 by taking a job as a stone cutter in a quarry. His father was very much interested in making him a priest before he died but died with his interest unfulfilled. After his father's death he began studying at an underground seminary in Krakow and registered for theology courses at the university. He continued his studies,
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
The Aubrey-Maturin Series of Novels by Patrick O'Brian Article
The Aubrey-Maturin Series of Novels by Patrick O'Brian - Article Example The Aubrey-Maturin novels depict historical events took place during Napoleonic wars at the beginning of the 19th century. O'Brian does not follow a strict chronological order depicting events from 1801-1813, and 1813-1814. The uniqueness is that O'Brian vividly portrays cultural and religious settings and values of the epoch, its historical significance and social traditions. Two main characters, Jack Aubrey and Stephen Maturin may be compared in matters of general cultural background, including politics and religion, as well as in three key elements of natural philosophy: the anatomical emphasis on pre-adapted functional design, the treatment of extinction, and the belief in fixity rather than transformation. All of these topics help define Maturin's patterns of thinking as a naturalist and shed light on subtly significant moments within the novels. Maturin was educated among the philosophes of the French Enlightenment, but both men, Aubrey and Maturin, also maintained a political and religious conservatism that some people found incongruous (King, 2001). The Aubrey-Maturin novels carry out the paradoxical process of instruction found in the most interesting historical fiction: at the same time they make readers conversant with ideas, tropes, and habits of an earlier world, they also perform the noble literary work of defamiliarization. In creating a compelling vision of natural philosophy, O'Brian makes room for a lost paradigm that seems oddly fresh, for all its scientific antiquity. He revives a naturalist's dream of preternatural design that has become increasingly difficult to imagine. O'Brian portrays that Maturin and Aubrey came to detest what grew from the Revolution and turned away from its democratic principles (King, 2001). In The Wine-Dark Sea, when Maturin meets up with a French utopian named Dutourd, he initially tempers his criticism with some sympathy (Teachout, 2003). Dutourd seems to be "a good benevolent man" led astray by that "mumping villain Rousseau and later by his passionate belief in his own system, based it was true on a hatred of poverty, war and injustice, but also on the assumption that men were naturally and equally good, needing only a firm, friendly hand to set them on the right path, the path to the realization of their full potentialities. This, of course, entailed the abolition of the present order, which had so perverted them, and of the established churches" (O'Brian 2004, p. 32). O'brian's assessment reveals his lingering attraction to revolutionary promises, but, he values established religious and social order above the systems of ideologues. Nor does he believe in the natural equality of humans (King, 2001). As Adrian Desmond has shown, French and British radicals of the period saw a linkage between the atomistic materialism of biology; in which all forms of life developed from a common origin, and revolutionary political theories based on natural equality. Maturin reject both the natural and political philosophy of democratic atomism (Teachout, 2003). When asked by Dutourd what he thinks of democracy, Maturin replies that "he did not think the policy that put Socrates to death and that left Athens prostrate was the highest expression of human wisdom," and he cites Aristotle's "definition of democracy as mob-rule, the depraved version of a commonwealth" (O'Brian 2004, p.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Scholarship Dissemination Methods Research Paper
Scholarship Dissemination Methods - Research Paper Example Dementia is a non-specific ailment condition that affects a person’s areas of cognition such as recollection, attention, linguistics and problem solving. It may occur in two stages, static or an effect of a brain injury, or progressive which results to long-term deterioration as caused by injury or illness. The fact that the early onset of dementia is likely to transpire at the age of 65 indicates that this is an important concern for old people as well as their family members that would have to take care of them during their battle with the disease (Fadil et al. 247). According to Ward-Griffin, Bol and Oudshoorn (121), there are only few known studies directed to document the care giving experience of dementia patients and their perspectives in their condition. In order to explore further on this topic, they specifically conducted a qualitative investigation regarding the standpoint and experiences of mothers with dementia that are being taken care of their daughters and thei r relationship with them. The authors gathered separate thorough interviews on a sample of ten women suffering from mild to moderate mental impairment and developed a template analysis strategy that will classify the index of gathered data using the answers to the following inquiries: (1) how do women with AD and their adult daughters describe their experiences of receiving/providing care? (2) How do women with AD and their adult daughters describe their relationship? (3) What contextual factors influence the care provided/received? (127). In the study, the analysts recruited mothers suffering the early stages of dementia and tested them using the Standardized Mini-Mental Status Examination (SMMSE). Only participants who established good oral and comprehension skills and obtained high scores in SMMSE were interviewed using audiotape recording. A written material detailing the purpose and nature of the research were provided to participants with two interviews conducted in a span of six to nine months. On the other hand, the daughters who took part of the program recounted that they have been providing care for their mothers at an average of three days per week and been doing it for the past forty-nine months (Ward-Griffin, Bol and Oudshoorn 129-130). Less research documentation was applied in data collection concerning individuals with dementia. It involved separate interviews of the mothers and daughters to ensure a more candid response specifically from the elderly patients, the participants answering a demographic questionnaire at the end of the first interview and the analysts providing full field notes after each interview. Hence, the interviewers exemplified the importance of attaining the perspectives of dementia patients by employing additional interview strategies that is suitable for their condition (Ward-Griffin, Bol and Oudshoorn 130). According to the authors of the research, the qualitative data was analyzed using the guiding principle of Lofland and Lofland where full field notes consisting of perception, insights and observations are immediately written after an interview. The interviewers continuously provide his or her insights thru notes and memos. Gathering of information and its analysis were processed simultaneously
Monday, October 14, 2019
Comparing Two Charity Advertisements Essay Example for Free
Comparing Two Charity Advertisements Essay In this essay I will be comparing the advertising leaflet for Christian Aid with the leaflet produced by The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA). This essay will be analysing how the different charities try to persuade us, the audience to change our views, make the people want to do something to help them and the difficulties these charities face. I will be examining and commenting on the effectiveness of these adverts. The RSPCA are a charity organization set up to help animals in Britain and Christian Aid helps out people and children Worldwide. We need these charities because they help people in need and they also support communities. We need charities to help people who cannot support themselves because everyone deserves to have a life of their own which they can enjoy. We give to charities for many reasons, but the main reason we give to charities is because we feel guilty. We feel guilty because we are so well off and we take our houses, Television and having food and water for granted. However, people in third world countries can not even afford to have a roof above their head and in some extreme cases of poverty they can not afford food and clean water. Some people give for compassion. This is when they sympathise with these people and animals and they feel sorry for them so they give money because they want to help them. However, some people give because of their religious belief. Muslims give to charities because of Zakat, one of the pillars of Islam. It reminds Muslims of the fact that whatever wealth they may possess is due to the blessings of Allah and it should be spent according to the His commands. Some people give to charity because they believe it is their moral duty to give to charity. In addition some people give to charities because they want people to think they are generous and they want to be recognized as that and get praise for it. There are hundreds of different charities which help out in different ways. These different charities include charities that support animal rights, environmental agencies and pressure groups, humanitarian charities, medical charities and child protection. The spectrum of human emotion can be manipulated visually and imaginatively. Pictures can be formed mentally from descriptive words or even statistics. Charities use this to their advantage, this works extremely well. It is their greatest technique for persuasion. Charities constantly need to advertise due to competition. There are hundreds of charities which help different causes and this is why there are so many different charities to give to which shows there is so much competition. On top of this there is the National Lottery. Since the national lottery there has been a decrease in the number of people giving to charity. The National Lottery is a huge profit making organisation and out of this they profit they do give to charity. However they only give a small proportion of their money to charity and recently there has been some controversy on which charities they give to. Most charities also do not get government funding which means they rely on the public to donate money to keep their charity running. Charities advertise in various ways. These include the broadcast media which could be television or Radio, Print Media which consists of billboards, posters, newspaper (tabloids and broadsheets) and magazines; we can also include advertising on the internet. Advertising is very important in our culture and is always around us. Everything is advertised varying from houses to the clothes we wear and films we watch. Advertisements are a way to persuade people to do what you want them to do, whether it is to donate to tour charity or to buy your product. Advertisements have been around for centuries, one of the first advertisements was in a newspaper in 1704. This shows how long they have been around and how long people have had to learn how to manipulate them to their advantage. Charities mainly use the print media option because it cheaper than television and radio advertisement. Also print media is more easily accessible to everybody unlike radio and television. This may also be advantageous because instead of having to write out a cheque the print media will probably have a tear off slip which can be more convenient to send off. This has been used in the RSPCA leaflet. Charities target people who are financially stable and socially and globally aware of the problems people face in the world. This is because these sorts of people are more likely to give because they are likely to feel guiltier than others and if they know about global issues then are also likely to empathise with these people. Charities can target their audience by advertising in certain newspapers such as broadsheets for example The Guardian or The Telegraph. The type of people who read these sort of papers are more likely to give than people who read The Sun or The Daily Sport because they are probably more likely to be globally aware and they are probably better educated, so they have better jobs and would therefore would have a more disposable income to give to charities. The main purpose of the RSPCA is to prevent cruelty to animals. We know this because it says The aims of the RSPCA are to prevent cruelty and promote kindness to animals. The main purpose of Christian Aid is to help people, regardless of their race or religion, to tackle the causes of poverty and injustice. We know because the information inside the leaflet shows us that they are trying to help people like Valliamma and Shashore have a life before Death. From the name Christian Aid people tend to believe that this charity only helps people who are Christian but this is not true, this name was made centuries back when this was not a multi-cultural society, as it is today, but it had to the name because they were to well known to change it. The Christian Aid leaflet uses an image of a canned drink on the front cover. This is a red colour, with the title Fresh Air. The words Fresh air are very strong as their slogan and also very emotive, as it makes us think of those people in undeveloped countries, who do not have anything but air. This image of a can is very effective because it reminds people of Coca Cola and western culture and capitalism. It shows how our culture has dominated the world, and how unfortunate some people are. The colour red is very effective because it has negative connotations of blood and death which reminds us of what is happening out in the world and makes us want to donate money. On the back of the can there is a box titled Nutritional Information which is written in a large font to show that is the title, then the writing inside is a smaller font size. When we first open the poster our eyes are immediately led to the picture on the left. This is because we read from left to right so the left hand side is the primary optical area for us. The writing above the picture is in bold and in red. This is more eye-catching and we are more likely to read this before we read any of the other text because the bright red and the dominance in the size of text will probably strike our attention before the other text would. There is a caption below the picture which is in a smaller font than the one which is used for the rest of the writing. This has been deliberately made small because this information is not as important as the other text. On the right hand side, there is another photo and below it there is a caption and in an even smaller font than this there are the Christian Aid contact details. This has been put at the bottom of the page because it is the last thing that has been out on the page so it memorable. The biggest writing on this page is at the top of the page on the right. This is used to make sure that everyone reads this, even if they do not read the other text because this is the most important text. It also is the centre page of the three flaps, so it is also been put there as a big centre point. The right hand flap can then be pulled open to show more writing in the middle and on the right there are two small pictures surrounded by writing. The writing is broken into paragraphs so it seems easier to digest instead having big chunks of text which some people may find off putting. The text is split in the middle with alternating bold red text then normal text. On the right hand side each paragraph starts off in bold with the words Just à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½24 or à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½36. This is used to emphasise the amount of money, which for us is not a lot but for people in Africa is enough to build a life on. At the bottom again we have big, red, bold text, to stand out against the rest of the text as it is asking us to give us money and the CA do not want us to miss this. At the bottom we have the Christian Aid logo and below the slogan We Believe in Life before Death. This has been put here because this is the terminal optical area as it is the last thing we read on the right-hand side when we read from left to right so we will remember this. The RSPCA leaflet shows a cat on the cover, sitting on a doorstep and staring at us. This scene seems absolutely normal. The heading is in a bold white font which gives positive connotations as it makes us think of peace. At the bottom of the page on the right, we have the RSPCA logo in the terminal optical area which is effective because it makes it more identifiable and memorable. Then if we lift out the flap underneath, we see an image of what seems to be a normal house. There is a cat sitting on top of the sofa. The title on the top is written in a big black bold colour. This black colour gives negative connotations compared to the white heading on the first image because it is shows darkness. Below there is white writing which is smaller but is still in bold. It is now that we see the next picture which instantly gives very negative connotations from just looking at it. There are faeces on the floor, it looks like a very neglected area and there are tins of cat food as well. Using black and white to contrast between negative and positive features is a very clever way to easily give the effect you want. The RSPCA advert has very little text compared to the CA advert and big pictures. They have also printed their advert in black and white whereas on the other hand the CA advert has been printed in colour. This was probably printed in black and white because it is cheaper so more leaflets can be printed within their budget, informing more people of their charity. Nowadays, charities are using more and more shocking images in their adverts in order to make the audience empathise and feel sorry for these people. For example, a recent Barnardos advert showed a baby with a cockroach and a syringe in its mouth and this was banned because it was thought to be too shocking for the British public. This however is very effective, and if people were to believe that this kind of thing was happening then they would be more likely to give. However, this could have been made very shocking purposefully, to grab attention and to get publicity. When we first see the RSPCA advert we are confronted by a rhetorical question asking us whether this cat is happily watching the world go by. This makes us start to think whether something is going on and leads us to read on to see if there is anything going on. Then, when we open up the leaflet this question is answered, but in the form of another rhetorical question and in the background there is an image of a room. Then below this tile is writing. This writing is telling us what actually happened in this room. It talks about the cat Boots being soiled with faeces. They have used the name Boots to make it seem more personal to us. The faeces could have been replaced with excretion or pooh but faeces is used to make it sound more technical and scientific. This helps to make it more shocking and give the text more of an impact. Short sentence structure is used to make the reader remember, short sentences are also more effective than long sentences, which helps the reader remember what is said. Then on the back we have a zoom in on what has happened. It has information of an advice line and national cruelty helpline places next to a phone. At the end the text This was just one is placed in the terminal optical area which makes the sentence stay in the persons mind. Moving back to the middle section there is a photograph of three kittens staring at us. It seems as if they are asking for help when they look at us. This is called the look to camera technique. The title uses an opinion which is made to look like a fact when it is not necessarily true that Boots ahs found a loving new family. Below the picture there is a black box which is used to draw our attention. The writing inside this box uses triadic structure and repetition of à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½3 a month in bold then what this can do to help being listed three times. At the end it says Please help. This is a polite request. This is used because it is harder to decline a polite request than it is a normal request. Again in the last section we have the cat using the look to camera technique which seems as if the cat is asking us Please be my friend? The title uses emotional blackmail when it says Ill be a friend for life to defenceless animals suffering from cruelty. This is effective because it makes us want to be their friend, and protect them from cruelty. This advert uses many examples of rhetorical questions, because they are thought evoking and make us want to read on, until we reach the end, where we meet the sponsor form. Dying for a drink? Imagine if this was all you had to drink today. This opening question is a rhetorical question and has alliteration. It persuades you to imagine, a natural reaction is to do so. It gives a vibrant picture and feeling, making you sympathize with these people. There is a lot of detail given in the first sentence, which is a very good way to draw in the reader to move forth into the leaflet. On the back of the can there is a box titled Nutritional Information. Inside this box are facts. These facts are shocking but interesting and lead us to read on inside the leaflet. This is the purpose of the front cover of the Christian aids leaflet. As we open the leaflet at the top we are given the title How one well helped save a community from extinction. The word extinction seems very powerful and this title amazes us to know that just one well could make such a difference. Below the picture we see more facts about how they helped so many other people in Mali by building 500 concrete wells. The first paragraph tells us what is happening in Mali and the problems. In the second paragraph we are told about what they did about it. The chief of tonsogou, Abdoulaye Togo, is described as dynamic and determined. This is used to make people think that he is a good person and that we should send money to help him. Also, using the persons name makes it seem more personal. The third paragraph tells us the effects of them helping this village. The word flourished is used because it gives off very positive connotations. There is a quote from one of the villagers saying that now they have more time to spin cotton. This is also very positive because it shows now that they have clean water and they can work, and sell their products so they will get more money. The next flap uses a quote right at the beginning. This quote is very emotive and moving, and makes us think again, of the image we thought of from the first rhetorical question. This gets us thinking again and we empathize with these people. This next paragraph uses the word Imagine at the beginning of each sentence. This is used to involve us and to again make us empathize with these people. It uses statistics such as 1.1 billion people and one- sixth of the worlds population to shock us. The flap is then opened up and we see the centre page which is carried on talking about people like Yalaya and how they have helped the village become more self-sufficient. This makes us realize that by us helping them, we are helping them help themselves. The next part talks about how after building the well the people of tinsogou got together with 14 other villages and between them built their own health centre. This is very impressive to us and it makes us think that it is worth helping these people because they can help other people by making a health centre. It also says that they have made a school. This is good because then the future generations can be educated and may not have to struggle in life as that village once did. The next paragraph consists of the quote When we realized what we could achieve we didnt want to stop at the well. We wanted to go on and make other things happen for the village. This quote shows that CA is a charity that is very determined to help people out in every way they can. The rest of the flap says that so much was achieved by just one gift of water, and that today we can be part of these achievements by donating. This makes us want to be part of these achievements and helping other people out. It says the battle against poverty. This is a very powerful, effective sentence, full of strong words such as battle, and poverty to persuade us to give money, so that we do win the battle against poverty. It also talks about this being a difference we can make and it says please do. This is a polite request because it asks us nicely but in a way it is also telling us to do it. The last flap informs us that Just à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½24 buys eight bags of cement, to help a community like Valiammas in Sri Lanka. It makes it very personal now when it almost introduces her by saying she has seven children and that she only earns twenty pence a day selling rice flour. It is very emotive because she uses twenty pence to feed seven children and herself and we spend twenty pounds going out to a restaurant, eating what we want. The use of the word just is also very effective because for in a commercialized, developed country like ours twenty four pounds is not a lot of money. The same thing is repeated in the next paragraph but this time it is thirty six pounds for Shashore in Ethiopia to give money so that she can grow her own trees, because the food that she grows only lasts for five months. This also makes us think how lucky we are that we can have as much food as we like, and more whenever like as we are constantly surrounded by shops and restaurants. The last paragraph asks us to help Valliamma and Sahashore have a life before death. This is a clever way to use their slogan A life before death. This slogan is very effective because religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism, believe in re-incarnation and even Christianity believes in heaven and hell which is life after death, but CA wants people to have a life before they die. Both adverts are very effective. However, I believe that the RSPCA leaflet is more effective because they have used more persuasive devices and emotive language where as the Christian Aid leaflet mainly states facts and when it uses persuasive devices it is very blatant so it is not as effective. An example of this from Christian Aid is Please give whatever you can today and help more people like Valliamma and Shashore have a life before death. The images used in the RSPCA advert is very emotive when it has the animal looking at you, especially in the last image, because it seems as if the cat is asking for help. I believe that the RSPCA would get more support from the public because of the fact that Britain is well known for caring about animals. For example we only have a National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children but we have a Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Therefore I believe that more people would give to the RSPCA than to Christian Aid.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Advanced Social Psychology: Overview and Analysis
Advanced Social Psychology: Overview and Analysis Theresa A. Patterson Social psychology is a relatively young science. This branch of psychology includes the study of individual behavior in a social setting as well as factors that influence behavior. Social psychology was established as a formal discipline approximately one hundred years ago (Reis, 2010). Throughout its history, social psychology demonstrated the effects of notable social and political themes of various time periods. Also, methodological and theoretical advances impacted the development of social psychology in many ways. Although many people equate the origins of social psychology with the publication of the first social psychology textbook by McDougall in 1908, the roots of this field can be traced to the writings of Aristotle and Plato (Reis, 2010). For example, Aristotle noted the need for individuals to live in groups, while Plato emphasized the impact of the environment on behavior. McDougall incorporated the concepts of emotion and morality in his textbook and emphasized the idea that behavior was instinctive and individual. In addition to McDougall’s contribution, Wundt’s writings regarding the effect of groups on individual behavior played a critical role in the development of social psychology (Reis, 2010). However, Wundt did not advocate experimental methods. In addition, his ideas did not match the behaviorist views that predominated in the early 1900’s. Thus, Wundt’s views were not long-lived on social psychologists. Despite the advent of novel social psychology textbooks, the discipline of social psychology was not well defined. The work of Floyd Allport in 1924 outlined the tenets of social psychology in a way that reflected current thinking to a higher degree (Reis, 2010). Allport noted that interpersonal relationships are the hallmark of social psychology, but emphasized that social psychology must be studied in terms of the individual rather than in terms of the group (Patterson, 2015). Additionally, Allport asserted that many factors in the environment might elicit behaviors. Allport took an experimental approach in social psychology and invested hos efforts in basic research (Reis, 2010). Allport’s writings, which emphasized such topics as conformity, emotion and social influence, exerted a lasting impact on contemporary researchers. Although Allport clearly utilized a methodological approach, Norman Triplett is widely credited with the implementation of the first social psychology experiment in 1898 (Reis, 2010). Triplett (1898) investigated the effect of the presence of other individuals on performance based upon his observation that bicyclists rode faster when paced by another rider. In addition, Sherif (1936) conducted studies that investigated the development of social norms and the impact that societal rules had on behavior. The occurrence of events such as the Great Depression, World War I and World War II set the stage for further development in social psychology (Patterson, 2015). During the World War II era, several European social psychologists fled Nazi Germany and immigrated to the United States. Notably, Kurt Lewin implemented research regarding group processes and styles of leadership in the workplace (Reis, 2010). Furthermore, Lewin’s field experiments during World War II, founding of the S ociety for the Psychological Study of Social Issues (SPSSI), and his conviction in the applied aspect of social psychology, left a lasting impact on the field (Reis, 2010). Following the end of World War II, the discipline of social psychology flourished in the United States (Reis, 2010). Social psychologists enjoyed greater prestige and high status, and were rewarded by the government with new research facilities, grants, and teaching positions. The G.I. Bill created a need for psychologists to teach at universities, and tenure was quickly earned (Reis, 2010). Also, research on conformity and obedience demonstrated the power of group influence on the beliefs and behaviors of participants (Asch, 1956). Other notable experiments occurred during this era, which lasted from approximately 1946 to 1969. For example, Festinger’s (1957) research regarding cognitive dissonance showed that individuals strive to maintain consistence between their beliefs and their behaviors (Reis, 2010). Additionally, Milgram’s (1963) experiments on obedience to authority demonstrated that the majority of people will obey an authority figure even if it includes infl icting possible harm to others. Furthermore, research on romantic attraction generated both interest as well as controversy among social psychologists (Reis, 2010). Despite ground-breaking advances in the area of interpersonal attraction, many people did not think that love and romance should be topics of research experiments. In addition, the 1964 murder of Kitty Genovese stimulated bystander intervention research (Reis, 2010). The attempt by the government during the 1960s to eradicate societal wrongdoings generated research regarding the interaction of personality variables and environmental factors in behaviors. The 1970’s was notable for an increase in social cognition studies (Reis, 2010). However, the public became disillusioned with the possibility that society could benefit from social psychology research. In addition, women and minorities noted that social psychology represented an extremely biased view of predominantly male, white, middle-class social psychologists. As a result of this crisis of public confidence, a more comprehensive and revitalized discipline of social psychology emerged. For example, more rigorous ethical standards in experimental research were implemented (Reis, 2010). As social psychology continues to grow in the present era, views are expanding to include interdisciplinary as well as global concepts. The influence of social psychology has been demonstrated in various areas such as healthcare, industry and schools (Reis, 2010). Additionally, technological advances provided access to participants from many cultures. This cross-cultural perspective will undoubtedly influence future research studies. Also, methodological advances, as well as growth in neuroscience and evolutionary psychology, will continue to assist researcher in the interpretation of data. Advances in social psychology would not be possible without experimental research. However, proposed studies and related methodology necessitate attention to ethical concerns. As social psychology grew, researchers shifted their focus from speculation to the demonstration of empirical evidence. Early laboratory experiments were often criticized for their artificiality and potential biases (Reis, 2010). As a result of this evaluation, field studies were conducted to provide realistic results that could be generalized to other situations (Reis, 2010). Therefore, ethical codes of conduct must be in place to make certain that participants are not harmed in any manner. In general, researchers must adhere to the ethical principles of respect for persons, beneficence and justice. The American Psychological Association (APA) developed its code of ethical standards to guide researchers in appropriate treatment of participants. The 1974 National Research Act requires the formation of committees referred to as Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) to review potential experiments before researchers begin a study (Gravetter Forzano, 2006). This process, which may include required modifications and revisions, helps to ensure the protection of participants’ welfare. For example, an IRB will examine the cost/benefit ratio to ascertain whether the possible benefits are greater than potential risks. In the event that risks are likely, researchers may be advised to seek lower-cost alternatives (Gravetter Forzano, 2006). Experiments involving the use of deception must be carefully evaluated prior to the start of the study for analysis of the cost/benefit ratio. Above all, researchers must always endeavor to protect participants from harm. In addition, researchers must obtain informed consent from all participants prior to the start of an experiment. Informed consents includes the responsibility of researchers to be forthcoming regarding possible risks and what is involved in the experiment. For example, Asch’s (1956) study concerning conformity involves a possible breach of informed consent for several reasons. First, participants were deceived regarding the nature of the experiment. Also, participants were not told about the possibility of stress during the experiment, and may have suffered subsequent mental distress. Asch’s (1956) study included the debriefing of participants, which is now required in all experimental studies. Debriefing involves explaining the true nature of the study to participants after the experiment is over (Gravetter Forzano, 2006). Several additional research studies were criticized for violations of ethical principles. For example, Milgram’s (1963) landmark experiment regarding obedience to authority generated much controversy. This experiment investigated the power of authority figures on individuals by â€Å"ordering†them to administer electric â€Å"shocks†to a confederate. Participants were misled concerning the nature of the study and may have suffered severe distress as a result of the deception. Furthermore, participants may not have been aware that they had the right to leave the experiment at any time. Because the participants were paid, they might have felt obliged to continue as long as necessary. During the course of the study, the experimenter urged participants to continue to the end of the experiment. Thus, coercion might have been a factor that contributed to participants’ completion of the experiment (Gravetter Forzano, 2006). Milgram’s (1963) study illustrated an explicit violation of ethical principles regarding informed consent. This violation included misinformation concerning potential psychological harm as well as not informing participants that they were free to terminate the experiment at any time. Additionally, researchers did not adhere to the critical principle of inflicting no harm upon participants. Many participants in Milgram’s (1963) study reported significant mental distress from both the pressure of the experimenter and subsequent guilt associated with their willingness to inflict pain upon others. Since individual differences could not be ascertained, researchers were unable to predict the extent of participants’ distress. Finally, past research demonstrated the crucial role that environmental and situational factors play in human behavior (Haley, Banks, Zimbardo, 1973). A study by Haley, Banks and Zimbardo (1973) utilized a simulated prison setting in which participants were randomly assigned to the roles of prisoners or guards. However, the participants quickly adapted to their roles and reacted as though the situation was a real-life occurrence. The guards behaved in a cruel and demeaning manner, and the prisoners became increasingly passive and depressed. The experimented had to be terminated early as a result of the extreme psychological symptoms that participants exhibited. The realistic nature of the experiment may have precluded participants from exercising their right to withdraw from the study. Like the Milgram (1963) study, researchers associated with the simulated prison study were not able to predict the extent of psychological harm to participants, which violated an element of informed consent. During the majority of the experiment, no attempt was made to curtail the abuse inflicted by the guards toward the prisoners. Thus, potential harm to participants was not minimized (Gravetter Forzano, 2006). Although participants were screened for psychological disorders, the development of unanticipated harmful effects changed the risk/benefit ratio. Researchers must continually evaluate potential risks that may occur during the study as well as possible benefits. In addition, researchers need to ensure that participation in experiments is completely voluntary and that participants do not feel coerced. If deception will be utilized, researchers must be certain that no viable alternatives exist (Gravetter Forzano, 2006). Finally, in most circumstances, researchers need to obtain an informed consent form for each participant in the study. Also, researchers must be vigilant regarding signs of psychological distress or unexpected effects of participation in the study. Debriefing is essential to ensure that participants understand the purpose of the experiment and to alleviate any negative effects of participation in the study (Gravetter Forzano, 2006). Finally, researchers must protect the confidentiality of data that is collected as well as identifying information that is provided by participants. References Asch, S. (1956). Studies of independence and conformity: A minority of one against a unanimous majority. Psychological Monographs, 70, No. 9 (Whole No. 416). Festinger, L. (1957). A theory of cognitive dissonance. Evanston, IL: Row, Peterson. Gravetter, F., Forzano, L. (2006). Research methods for the behavioral sciences. (2nd. Ed.). Mason, OH: Thompson. Haney, C., Banks, C., Zimbardo, P. (1973). Interpersonal dynamics in a simulated prison. International Journal of Criminology and Penology, 1, 69-97. Milgram, S. (1963). Behavioral study of obedience. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 57(4), 371-378. Patterson, T. (2015). Advanced social psychology midterm exam. Unpublished manuscript. Mount Aloysius College, Cresson, PA. Reis, H. (2010). How we got here from there: A brief history of social psychology. In R. Baumeister E. Finkel (Eds.), Advanced social psychology: The state of the science. (pp. 25-60). NY: Oxford University Press. Sherif, M. (1936). The psychology of social norms. New York: Harper Bros. Triplett, N. (1898). The dynamogenic factors in pacemaking and competition. American Journal of Psychology, 9(4), 507-533.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
An Unforgettable Teacher Essay -- The Teacher Who Changed My Life
I remember my fourth grade year as if it were yesterday. My homeroom teacher, Mr. Anderson, would stand at the front of the room each morning at 9:15, and wait patiently for us to say the Pledge of Allegiance. Then, like clockwork, at exactly 9:17, as my class of 28 sat down, he would set up a magic trick, pretending each day that something was going wrong during the set-up. As Mr. Anderson did this, he would often tell us a story that in some way or another related to the magic trick he showed us. Then, as he finished the trick, he would tell us the moral to the story. Â Now a days I don't have someone there for me constantly saying what I should or should not do. I often find myself in situations in which I must be the one to decide if, for instance, I should go to a party or to the bars, or stay home and concentrate on the massive amounts of homework that have piled up. It is at times like these when Mr. Anderson's words of advice float though my head. The one I hear Mr. Anderson saying most often in the back ...
Friday, October 11, 2019
The Box Tree Case
Strike always results to the loss of trust between the employer and striking workers. In the case of the Box Tree Restaurant, the workers went on strike after losing their trust on their former employer, Augustin Paege, who denied them of their commissions because he wanted to reduce his payroll expenses by $100,000. After the strike, these workers could be expected to hold back as far as trusting their employer is concerned. On the other hand, after what Baruch and her replacement employees went through at the hands of the striking workers, they are not expected either to easily trust the returning workers.The most critical job for Gila Baruch, therefore, if she wants to â€Å"restore the once sterling reputation†of Box Tree, is to rebuild trust among all parties concerned. (Corsun, Young, & Shinnar, n. d. ) The situation, however, is not hopeless. Rebuilding trust is still possible. But they should do several things urgently. First, everybody should resort to â€Å"self-ac ceptance. †This means that they should learn to accept who they are and be secured in their identity so that they could develop trust in others. (Messina, n. d.) For instance, Baruch should accept the fact that if not for the strike she would not end up owning a promising business. The replacement workers are on the same boat as Baruch. They have the strikers to thank for their jobs. If not for the strike, there would not have been any vacancy in the restaurant for them to fill. In addition, they should not forget that they, too, are workingmen like the strikers and as such, want to be fairly compensated for their time and effort – exactly what the strikers wanted in the first place.Finally, the returning strikers should be aware that they are also indebted to Baruch and the replacement workers who made it possible for the Box Tree to stay in operation in spite of the work stoppage that they tried to instigate. Without them, the restaurant would have collapsed, they wo uld have completely lost their jobs, and then their strike would have been an exercise in futility. Once they accept who they are and what the strike has done for their benefits, they should be able to trust each other because their livelihood, in fact, clearly depends on one another.Another way by which trust could be rebuilt is for everybody to work hard for the establishment of â€Å"a healing environment. †This means that Baruch, the replacement workers, and the returning strikers should adopt a â€Å"healing mode†which will enable everybody to employ â€Å"forgiveness, understanding, and healthy communication to resolve problems and issues. †Once they are in this mode, they would be able to forget the insults and the animosities during the strike and heal the wounds they created, thereby allowing for an atmosphere conducive for the rebuilding of trust.(Messina, n. d. ) They, particularly the replacement workers and the returning strikers, should also str ive for a â€Å"reduction of a sense of competition. †In other words, they should do away with their jealousies and stop being defensive with one another. Instead, everybody should start cooperating for the common good. (Messina, n. d. ) The replacement workers, specifically, should not make a big thing out of the seniority status afforded the returning strikers and instead accept the fact that they joined the company at a much later time.The affected parties should likewise â€Å"let go of their fear. †Fear is such a restricting feeling which impedes people from behaving normally and objectively towards one another. A person who fears another for any reason could never trust that person. (Messina, n. d. ) The replacement workers, for instance, should not feel threatened by the return of the strikers. They should find security in Baruch’s desire â€Å"to reward [their] hard work and loyalty†during the strike. (Corsun, Young, & Shinnar, n. d.) The retur ning workers, on the other hand, should not be afraid that Baruch will be treating them with suspicion because of what they did. They should instead show Baruch that they mean no harm for her and the restaurant and that their only reason for returning to their jobs was to resume working and continue earning for their families. Reference Corsun, D. L. , Young, C. A. & Shinnar, R. S. (n. d. ). The Box Tree. Order #32096240 attachment. Messina, J. J. (n. d. ). Building Trust. Retrieved October 10, 2007 from http://www. coping. org/growth/trust. htm
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Indian Market Diversity
Indian Market Diversity & Changing Consumer Behaviour The Indian consumer market is one of the most promising markets in the world, evolving faster than ever across all socioeconomic strata, regions and town classes. Post liberalisation Indians have seen a tremendous increase in incomes, multiple income households, exposure to international lifestyles and media, easier financial credit. In these fast changing times, it becomes imperative for companies reaching out to the Indian market, to catch the pulse of the Indian consumer, to gain a better understanding of the Indian consumer behaviour and to get key insights into issues like: †¢What does the Indian Consumer’s shopping basket consist of? †¢What is it that the Indian consumer is buying – Is it Apparel? Books? Music? Or Durables or Grocery? How is she paying for her purchases? †¢How much is she willing to travel to get one-stop shopping options? Is she discount driven enough to wait for promotions or markdowns? †¢How different is the Delhi consumer from the one in Kolkata or Chennai, and how different are they from those in Lucknow or Ludhiana? All these questions have taken a top priority not only to domestic marketers but also for companies like Wal-Mart and Carrefour that are planning to set up retail chains to tap the potential Indian consumer market. Marketing in India is gr owing through an indefinable phase. Various print, electronic and other media are influencing everyone right from â€Å"Karta†of the family to the kid, the consumer‘s making decision and the way in which the new generation Indian consumer behaves is undergoing change at a never before pace. In today's global marketing era, which stresses on customization and localisation, influencing the consumer’s decision has become more important in this changing environment. Many new upcoming trends have been noticed in the last decade. According to the data provided by (NCAER) latest Indian market demographics report 2002 in the period from 1998-99 to 1999-2000, the purchase of white goods rose by 103%, this growth was seen mostly in the Southern India, with North and Western parts of the country still lying untapped. In other words, the potential in the North and the West is truly large. With income levels rising- especially in the post-reforms period the number of upper-medium and high-income households rose from 4. 1 % of the total numbers of households in 1989-90 to 11. 9% in 1998-99. The pattern of consumption has also undergone a sea change. Similarly, the number of low-income households, that is households with an annual income of less than Rs. 35,000 per year, has fallen from 58. 2 % in 1992-93 to 39. 7 % in 1998-99. Income Levels : From NCEAR, LM – Lower Middle class, M – Middle Class, UM – Upper Middle Class and H – Higher Class. (All figure in %) Income Class92-9395-9698-99 Low=, Rs 35,00058. 248. 939. 7 LM=Up to Rs 70,00025. 430. 734. 5 M= up to Rs 1,05,00010. 411. 913. 9 UM = up to Rs 1,40,0003. 756. 2 H =. Rs 1,40,0002. 33. 55. 7 A traditional family in India is different from a western family, the decision making process for the purchasing of consumer durables is quite elaborate, as many members with their diverse view are involved in it. At the same time, the characteristics of Indian families are fast changing. Indian families are presently in a state of flux, shifting from being strictly hierarchical to more egalitarian in character. This is all because of a sea change in the structure of income distribution (as shown in the table) where: †¢High-income class is expanding very fast. Middle-income classes bulging in size especially in rural India. †¢During the post reform period the rate of growth in the upper income categories was much higher, compared to the corresponding decline in the size of the low-income class. The growth of the top most income class after 1995-96 has been of the order of about 19%. †¢A significant negative growth in the urban low-income class was observed in south and west India, followed by north India. The High class consumers are at the top end with the mindset: â€Å"I pay more to get more†, where the purchase is driven by the emotional surplus that the consumer experiences. The mid-level which thinks: â€Å"I get good value at a reasonable price†. More important, however, is the large block at the lower income level which says: â€Å"I pay less and I get less†and is totally satisfied with that. This is probably a segment that many marketers tend to overlook since they feel that there is no existing demand there. Nothing could be further from the truth. The problem was that earlier, there were no goods and services targeting this large chunk; but today companies are reaching out into this segment. There is a growing realisation today that it is easier to compete in the smaller towns because many of the big brands and their marketing managers and sales teams don’t make the effort to travel there. Hence, if one does go there, market share is easy to achieve because even though the overall pie is smaller, there is less competition. Rural –Urban divide: †¢The rural markets are growing. However the level of infrastructure development (including that of the services sector), performance of agriculture, and dependency on Monsoon will determine their further growth. Availability of electricity alone is a critical factor for durable ownership. In urban markets, aspiration is the key  it is all about brands, lifestyles and show-off value. This is followed by quality and finally price. Rural India is driven primarily by price, followed by aspiration and then quality. However, what is important to understand is that the Indian consumer, no matter where he or she is or what category he or she belongs to, still looks for a good bargain. That is a unique Indian characteristic. While they maybe driven by the same desires, there are still differences in the way people live in the non-metropolitan cities when compared with the metropolitan cities or ‘metros’ as they are usually called. A degree of homogeneity may exist in large cities, but there is a disconnect when compared with their counterparts in smaller towns  whether it is regarding their philosophy, their thoughts or their approach to life. Thus, marketers today also need to think about creating brands that address these differences in consumers’ lifestyles. The Indian consumer is also maturing fast and is upgrading within product segments at a pace that consumer companies are struggling to keep up with. The mobile phone category is a classic example, where individuals across segments are constantly moving to the next price level as soon as they master the technology of their current phone. Companies therefore have to straddle the whole consumer pyramid rather than being focused on one part of it. These changes have also raised new challenges for old brands. There is a danger of them fading if they do not reinvent themselves to satisfy current needs. As a result, there is a whole new marketing opportunity and challenge for those brands that have to reinvent themselves and try to compete. The retail experience has also created a niche for new products and services. Gadgets like mobile phones are sold through kiranas (small family stores) and telephone booths since those are the outlets that have electricity. This is the total opposite of the mall culture seen in urban India and it is a need that consumer companies will need to address. Indian FMCG market in 1990's †¢During the 1990's the rural segment of the FMCG market has grown steadily at over 3% per annum. †¢Market size for products with lower penetration and consumption levels has grown at over 40% per annum during the later half of the 1990's. Significantly such products are at the higher side of the price line. †¢There are others such as washing materials, toiletries, toothpaste and tea where substitution effects are taking place. The role played by members of the family varies with demographics parameters as well as with the type of products. While a number of psychological variables are useful in obtaining into consumer's psyche, it is worthwhile to probe into some specific aspects of consumer decision making in order to formulate marketing strategies. In case of a family, the influencer does not usually have expertise but assume their respective roles on the basis of the family dynamics. Once the decision to buy a particular consumer durable product is made and announced. Family members provide what information is available to them about the product, and even assign members to gather information. For collecting additional data, the influencers use any of the four basis sources of information, via, personal, commercial, public and experiential. The degree of acceptance of the information and the preference of the influencers may, however, vary. The entire family members will act as an influencer. The moderator (Whom the influencers confine) may be instructed to collect the desired information. By the early nineties FMCG marketers had figured out two things: †¢Rural markets are vital for survival since the urban markets were getting saturated. Rural markets are extremely price-sensitive. Thus, a number of companies followed the strategy of launching a wide range of package sizes and prices to suit the purchasing preferences of India's varied consumer segments. Hindustan Lever, a subsidiary of Unilever, coined the term nano-marketing in the early nineties, when it introduced its products in small sachets. Small sachets were introduced in almost all the FMCG segments from oi l, shampoo, and detergents to beverages. Cola major, Coke, brought down the average price of its products from around twenty cents to ten cents, bridging the gap between soft drinks and other local options like tea, butter milk or lemon juice. It also doubled the number of outlets in rural areas from 80,000 during 2001 to 160,000 the next year, almost doubling its market penetration from 13 per cent to 25 per cent. This along with greater marketing, led to the rural market accounting for 80 per cent of new Coke drinkers and 30 per cent of its total volumes. Emergence of the new consumer Understanding the Indian consumer market means understanding its individual segments. Three major segments are emerging †¢Kids †¢The Youth (including the young working singles) †¢The Urban Indian Woman These segments have shown a tremendous increase in influencing and driving purchase decisions and hence are huge drivers of change in the consumer market. Purchases are being driven not by necessity, but to satisfy individual needs. A high-potential emerging market is also the vast rural hinterland, which has its own unique characteristics. Kids: Getting older younger There are 300 million children aged between 4–14 years in India  a vast market by any standards. The role that children play in purchase decisions has changed dramatically in the past 4–5 years. From pester power, kids have changed their role to becoming influencers, this is not only in product categories like confectionary and toys, but in larger long term use categories such as cars, electronics and even consumer durables like refrigerators and air conditioners, which were, traditionally, decisions taken by parents. Today the roles are reversed, with kids pointing out the pros and cons of purchase decisions to their parents. In fact, in the older age group, kids have actually become consultants, whom parents turn to for advice during the decision-making process. Another driver is their mastery of technology, which is a primary component of a high proportion of new products in the market. The relative ease with which they are able to grasp technicalities and understand product features and usability (or lack of) has made them experts in the eyes of their parents. Youth – Charting their own path: With the majority of India’s population below the age of 25 years, young consumer market is the primary target of every consumer goods company. The trend towards homogeneity is also apparent in terms of aspiration between segments and there is no difference in the mindset of the younger demographic. The aspirations of the youth are the same, driven primarily by the fact that they are all Internet savvy and this has given them equal access to information. Along with the love for brands and gadgets, they are equally comfortable with Indian values and Indian culture. Life is about visiting religious centres with their parents and then spending the evening with friends at the local club or a similar social venue. Indian youth are also very patriotic, not in the classical, pre-independence sense but in a modern sense which reflects their pride in being Indian in today’s world. As a segment, they are on the whole sensible, very clear about what they want to achieve in their lives and not easily carried away by hype and show. The outsourcing phenomenon in India ha has been the main driver of this consumer segment. A larger number of younger people now have cash in hand and this combined with increasing brand awareness has resulted in a lot of spending on leisure and personal gratification. This has also brought about a dramatic change in the concept of saving. The young generation lives for today, the concept of saving for a rainy day is alien to most of them  especially since the majority of them have not experienced shortages in their lives. This is also a segment constantly on the move  mentally and physically. The young do not want to be at home and are spending twice the amount of time outside the house than they would have done a couple of years ago. So, whether they are at a multiplex, a mall or a cyber cafe, hanging out with friends is a clear preference. The Urban Woman: Defining her own space In India, it has been a long accepted fact that it is the women in a family who define the environment at home. In the urban cities and even in small towns, they have been the ‘silent influencers’ for some time now, directing family purchases and expenditures. It is only recently, however, that the urban woman has come into her own, and today there is no looking back from her newly gained independence. In the past five years, there has been a large increase in the product categories specifically targeted towards the urban woman. Be it mobile phones, computers, apparel, jewellery or even financial products, women in the cities are finding themselves spoilt for choice. One prominent manifestation of this segment is seen in the daily soap operas on Indian television. While the characters may seem regressive at first glance, increasing viewership has proved that they have struck a chord  whether the woman is a homemaker or a professional. Today women go out with each other, a trend that was not seen previously. They are also much more into indulgence and satisfying their emotional self. †So, whether it is spending time at clubs with friends, pampering herself at the salon, experimenting with cosmetic surgery or enrolling at the fitness centre, the need to look good has now become a priority. It is no longer only about getting married and having kids. Implications for marketers: †¢Commoditisation of brands: Routine items and white goods will be bought on price, accessibility and not for brand values. †¢Novelty will not be a reason for trial: The new generation consumer will try to simplify complexity by dropping into routine behaviours. †¢Brand will be for pleasure: Brand will have to redefine role, where consumers are physically more satisfied and psychologically more confidant. †¢Evaluation parameter of brand will change: When consumers are going to continuously ask about the long-term safety/ effects of using
Coin and Paper Money Will Soon Be Replaced
Coins & Paper money will soon be replaced by Credit Cards. It is a fact that we live in a corrupt society. We hear a lot of robberies everyday. People are afraid to bring home money from the bank. These robberies are not only taking place at homes, but also there are pick pockets who rob people while traveling. People are frightened to take money with them for shopping. They face a lot of problems whenever they need to buy some expensive things. It is a common fact that new inventions take place in every generation according to the comfort of people.So atlast to solve people's problems in carrying money with them, banks with the help of Government introduced Credit cards and other bank cards. These cards are very useful in a way as people don't have to carry coins & paper money with them. They can pay their bills with the help of these credit cards. These credit cards are used in such a way that when one uses the card, the bank pays the amount on his behalf. Then one has to pay this amount from his bank account on phone or he can use bank checks as well as cash money. This is all upto him.Also if people don't have money at the time, they can delay their payment for the time being. The bank will pay it on your behalf & you can give this money back in easy installments or you can pay it back atonce whenever you have it. So due to all these benefits Credit Cards are becoming more and more common these days. So we can say that a time will come when we will see no coins and paper money. They will be replaced by Credit Cards. Eventually we will have a cashless society which will be safer and more convenient for everyone.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Developing the movie Robocop Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Developing the movie Robocop - Essay Example The essay "Developing the movie Robocop" talks about the overview of the film "Robocop" produced in 1897 by director Paul Verhoeven and of cinematic elements and styles used in this film. Apparently, Verhoeven presents an excessively commercialized future where the Detroit authorities are overwhelmed with crime in the city and decide to outsource it to a megacorporation, Omni Consumer Products (OCP). However, the megacorporation considers it more realistic to replace the settlement in old Detroit with a modern settlement which OCP refers to as Delta City. Due to the unfathomable number of crimes in the city and the regular killing of the understaffed law enforcers, OCP decides to take an initiative to end the crimes before starting construction of the new city, Delta City. However, the filming of the futuristic Detroit could be amended. It should have been filmed in downtown Dallas as the city had futuristic buildings even during the 1980s when the movie was being filmed. While Verhoeven’s movie was produced in the 20th century, it visualized the 21st century as evident when the director contrasts the successes of the inventions of Dick Jones and Bob Morton. During a meeting meant to strategize on the best way of curbing insecurity in the city, Dick Jones brings the idea of an ED-209, a law enforcement droid. Sadly, Verhoeven deliberately demonstrates the antiquity of the idea by allowing demonstration of the ED-209 to go awry through the deliberate killing of an executive.
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